Visual Art

12 Works of Bruce Pennington

Bruce Pennington (born 10 May 1944 in Somerset, England) is a British artist best known for his covers of science fiction and fantasy novels. Pennington’s work has been used as covers for novels by Isaac Asimov, Clark Ashton Smith and Robert A. Heinlein, employing both science fiction and fantasy themes. His past of speculation and youthful wonder led to his current surprising form and style.
Pennington’s works feature bright, bold colors. Depicting landscapes of other times or worlds, he often uses rich pinks and blues, precise brushstrokes, and harmonious ombinations of pigments, paying particular attention to the details of the images.
Pennington studied at Ravensbourne School of Art in Bromley in the early 1960s. He began working as a freelance illustrator in 1967. In 1976 Paper Tiger Books published the graphic album (LP size) Eschatus, which featured Pennington’s paintings inspired by the prophecies of Nostradamus. In 1991 they released the graphic album Ultraterranium, which included numerous private and commercial works.

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