Haar drie films met Elvis Presley – Girl Happy (1965), Elvis A-Go-Go (1966) en Clambake (1967) – waren niet de enige associaties die ze had met “The King”. Toen haar one-hit-wonder “Johnny Angel” op 7 april 1962 de hitlijsten aanvoerde, werd ze twee weken later van de #1 positie verdrongen door Presley’s “Good Luck Charm”. De twee toekomstige co-stars behielden de #1 en #2 posities eind april en in mei 1962.
Her’ three movies with Elvis Presley–Girl Happy (1965), Elvis A-Go-Go (1966) and Clambake (1967)–were not the only associations she had had with “The King.” When her one-hit-wonder “Johnny Angel” topped the charts on April 7, 1962, she was ousted from the #1 position two weeks later by Presley’s “Good Luck Charm.” The two future co-stars held the #1 and #2 chart positions through late April into May 1962.