Author - admin
Joan Fontaine
Ze was gediplomeerd piloot, kampioen ballonvaarder, expert ruiter, prijswinnend tonijn visser, een...
Charles Dudley Warner on ary
A great artist can paint a great picture on a small canvas. (Charles Dudley Warner)
Andrew Skilleter (12 works)
To open a pdf with the works in your browser, click here: Andrew Skilleter (12 works)
Adam and Eve
Juliet Prowse
In september 1987 werd ze aangevallen door een luipaard van 80 pond terwijl ze repeteerde voor de...
Marc Chagall on art
Great art picks up where nature ends. (Marc Chagall)
Felix Vega (12 works)
To open a pdf with the works in your browser, click here: Felix Vega (12 works)
Witch students in uniform
Lily Allen
Nadat ze in november 2005 haar eerste demotracks had geĆ¼pload naar communitywebsite
Edgar Degas on art
Painting is easy when you don’t know how, but very difficult when you do. (Edgar Degas)
Dorian Cleavenger (12 works)
To open a pdf with the works in your browser, click here: Dorian Cleavenger (12 works)
Joan of Arc and the bird
Lily Collins
In haar boek Unfiltered: No Shame, No Regrets, Just Me onthult ze dat ze als tiener leed aan een...
Andy Warhol on art
An artist is somebody who produces things that people don’t need to have. (Andy Warhol)
Boris Vallejo (23 works)
To open a pdf with the works in your browser, click here: Boris Vallejo (23 works)
Woman trapped in a surreal world
Mamie Van Doren
Halverwege de jaren 50 ging Mamie uit met Clint Eastwood. In the mid-1950s Mamie dated Clint...
Jim Hodges on art
When I make art, I think about its ability to connect with others, to bring them into the process...
Clyde Caldwell (12 works)
To open a pdf with the works in your browser, click here: Clyde Caldwell (12 works)