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Lana Turner
In 1958, tijdens de opnames van Another Time, Another Place (1958) in Londen, Engeland, kreeg ze...
Grandma Moses on art
If you know somethin’ well, you can always paint it but people would be better off...
Aly Fell (15 works)
To open a pdf with the works in your browser, click here: Aly Fell (15 works)
Woman on a horse (style Leonora Fini)
Julie Newmar
In november 2004 kreeg de voormalige “Catwoman” te maken met een ander soort...
Logan Pearsall Smith on art
The vitality of a new movement in Art must be gauged by the fury it arouses. (Logan Pearsall Smith)
Virgil Finlay (12 works)
To open a pdf with the works in your browser, click here: Virgil Finlay (12 works)
Black hole in the milky way
Gloria Dehaven
In 1944 kwam De Haven naar de make-up en haarafdeling van MGM om haar haar te wassen als...
Georges Braque on art
Painting is a nail to which I fasten my ideas. (Georges Braque)
Michael Whelan (12 works)
To open a pdf with the works in your browser, click here: Michael Whelan (12 works)
Fiery love
Jean Rogers
Toen Rogers in 1943 wilde hertrouwen met haar eerste man Dan Winkler, werd haar dat verboden door...
Chuck Close on art
Painting is the most magical of mediums. The transcendence is truly amazing to me every time I go...
Victoria Francés (18 works)
To open a pdf with the works in your browser, click here: Victoria Francés (18 works)
Woman trapped in a surreal world
Donna Reed
In de scène uit It’s a Wonderful Life (1946) waar zij en James Stewart stenen gooien naar het...
Jerry Saltz
Summer is a great time to visit art museums, which offer the refreshing rinse of swimming pools...
Max Bertolini (12 works)
To open a pdf with the works in your browser, click here: Max Bertolini (12 works)